* Easter Sunrise Service at (tbd) on 3/31/2024.
St. Peter Lutheran Church
2929 F.M 972 (at F.M. 1105)
Walburg, Texas 78626
Office: (512) 863-5600
Worship Services - each Sunday 10:15 a.m.
Holy Communion - 1st & 3rd Sundays
Last Updated:
Jan. 6, 2025
St. Peter Lutheran Church at Walburg, Texas
2025 - All Rights Reserved
Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ Texas District
LADIES Aid Meeting: Tuesday, January 7, 2025 at 11:00 a.m.
Please join us for our regular meeting on the first Tuesday of the month at 11:00 a.m. Our next meeting is January 7. Join us as we begin 2025. Then plan to stay for the Golden Oldies pot luck lunch and Mexican Train dominoes.
At our November meeting, Geri M shared a devotional message and prayer on Advent and the meaning of the Advent season. The members discussed what had been accomplished by our many activities.
The quilters completed 4 more quilts for Lutheran World Relief. Bring a lunch and join the St. Peter quilters any Thursday in December from 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. for some quilting, sharing stories, fellowship, and laughter, and sometimes a tear. You can select fabrics, iron or cut fabric, sew, tie, hand quilt, or sit and visit with the quilters. We hope you join the quilters anytime.
Thanks to Joyce C, Debby I & Kathy B for ordering, securing Thrivent funds and picking up quilt batting. Thanks to Emily & Sandra H for delivering pillowcases to the Ronald McDonald House. Thanks to all who sewed the pillowcases.
Christmas Goody Bags were filled and delivered to recipients. Thanks to Gerri M for providing the beautiful, meaningful Christmas bags. Thanks to all for your generous contributions to the Christmas bags and for delivering the bags. Members were encouraged to send Christmas greetings to a list provided by Kathy B.
We also shared and exchanged cookies and cookie stories at our December meeting. What a treat to take home so many different and delicious cookies! I think we should continue this cookie exchange next year. And you should join Ladies Aid this year-if for nothing else the cookie exchange is worth the $5 membership fee. Seriously, Ladies Aid works to provide service and social opportunities at St Peter and the community. Consider joining us. We welcome your ideas and involvement.
Our December benevolence recipient was BIG-Brookwood in Georgetown on Giving Tuesday so our money was matched by a benevolent donor. If you have not had lunch at BIG, make plans to enjoy a meal there.
We elected 2025 Officers: President Amy M, Vice President Gwen E, Secretary Joyce C, Treasurer Debby I, and Correspondence Secretary Kathy B. Thank you for stepping up or, as in some cases, being railroaded into your leadership positions. Kevin M will again audit our books for 2024.
We shared prayer concerns and closed with the Lord's Prayer. We hope to see you at our January 7 meeting, and we look forward to Ladies Aid events and activities in 2025.
News & Event Details from Around the Congregation
Reminder - St. Peter accepts electronic checks
Many people pay their bills on-line, and would prefer the convenience of electronic banking instead of donating at the collection plate. For more details about the process, go to the St. Peter website at:
Sunday Worship Services - 10:15 AM, every Sunday
St. Peter Lutheran Church offers in-person worship services and adult Bible classes. Everybody is welcome to join us, but we urge anybody who is not feeling well to stay home. The planned service schedules can be found on the SERVICES page on this website. Recorded versions are also available on YouTube. We hope to see you soon!
Reminder: Annual Report inputs are due to the Church Office in the first week of January, 2025.
Church Office Hours (Call first at 512-863-5600)
Church Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9am - 5pm, except on Holidays.
We are working on the schedule, so call to confirm who is available.
Pastor’s Day Off is Friday.
Golden Oldies Meet at Noon on 1st Tuesday each Month
Next Meeting on Tuesday, January 7 at Noon
The Golden Oldies meet on the first Tuesday of each month (except holidays), at noon. Join us for a potluck lunch followed by Mexican Train dominoes. Invite your family and friends to join us.
– Fellowship Committee
Next Council Meeting will be Tuesday, January 14, 2025 at 6:00 p.m.
Notes from the December 10 Council meeting:
The meeting opened with a devotion, a prayer and prayer concerns.
Treasurer’s Report: Income for November was $9,494 above expenditures. Year to date net income is $13,161. Benevolence funds in November were sent to Brookwood in Georgetown and to the LCMC national organization.
Pastor’s Report: Made home visits to six people of the congregation.
Fellowship Committee: Served around 40 people at the Thanksgiving Community meal. The Weir Volunteer Fire Department even attended. The left over Thanksgiving food was served at the following Golden Oldies.
Ooutreach: Passed out bottled water in November in the park, it has been welcomed and positively received.
Faith Formation: Pastor Daniel's reported he is still working on editing video.
Property: The pipes at the church and education building have been winterized. The tree limbs that where hitting the education building, church and parsonage have been trimmed. There are still some limbs higher up that need to be taken care of. The graves at the cemetery still need to be covered.
The windows in the parsonage have been replaced.
The new mailbox is here and needs to be mounted on the post.
The By-Law update still needs to be done.
Officers for 2026 are: President -Mike V, Vice President - Jerry B, Secretary - Elaine S, Treasurer -Stephanie H
Committee representatives, devotion schedule and usher teams were assigned.
The annual committee reports need to be done by the first week of January.
Pastor Daniels request for vacation from December 29th - January 4th was approved. Pastor Qualley from St. Paul in Taylor will cover for emergencies.
The meeting adjourned with a prayer and the Lord's Prayer.
Worship Committee Meets Next on Tues. Jan. 14, 2025 at 5 p.m.
The Worship Committee met on Saturday, December 7th, to decorate the church for the Christmas season. What to our great surprise, some good little elves had arrived early and put up the Christmas trees and put up the holly around the windows. Thank you, Griffin, Brenda, Greg and Ruth T, and the rest of the crew that showed up on Saturday! Your work helped us complete the decorations by placing the ornaments on the trees and arranging the poinsettias in record time!
Sunday, December 8th, was the Christmas Cantata, which was a great success, thanks to Mary B, Carol T, Marvin G, Mike V, and the choir members from the community, Zion, and of course, St. Peter's members. Following the service, we enjoyed pizza fellowship, which was supported by Thrivent Financial Services. Thank you to the congregational members who remembered to bring a dessert.
Ruth T wrote a new script for the Christmas Program on Christmas Eve, made new costumes for the participants and put on a wonderful program! Thanks to all that participated in the program as well as the back-scenes participants.
After we celebrate the Christmas season, the decorations will need to be taken down, and we have scheduled that for January 5th, after the church service. We have some pizza left over from the Cantata fellowship that we froze and will be serving following the removal of the Christmas decorations. If you have any leftover desserts, please bring them to share, and we can have a meal following the de-decoration of the church. If we have many hands, the work will be quickly completed, and then we can enjoy pizza and fellowship.
Hymns were chosen from Sunday, December 1st , through Sunday, January 26th. We will sing a Communion hymn on alternating Sundays since several members have mentioned missing the Communion hymns.
Our next meeting will be Tuesday, January 14, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. If you would like to participate in planning the services at St. Peter, please come and join us.
Fellowship Committee & News
Next Meeting on Tuesday, January 21 at 11:30 a.m.
FELLOWSHIP MEETING: There will be a Fellowship Meeting on Tuesday, January 21st, at 11:30 a.m. in the education building to discuss upcoming events. Anyone interested in serving on the committee, please come; we are always looking for new ideals and welcome new people. Please bring your calendar for 2025.
THANK YOU to thank everyone who has served on the committee this past year. Also, a heartfelt thank you to everyone who assisted with all the activities we've had, we could not have done any of this without your support and efforts. Elaine S
St. Peter Quilters meet each Thursday (except holidays) from 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Join the St. Peter Quilters. Bring a lunch. They meet on Thursdays from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (Except for holidays)
Ladies Dominos - Tuesday, January 21 at Noon
LADIES DOMINOS is scheduled for Tuesday, January 21 at 12:00 pm. We are going to have a pot luck lunch prior to starting dominos. Please bring a salad, snack or desert. Do not bring large portions! Please help to spread the word to the individuals that normally attend dominos, and are not members of St. Peter Lutheran Church. Invite your friends, grandchildren and family to join us!
Doris C and Gwen E will host.
Fellowship Committee
Faith Formation Bible Studies
This has been an exciting time of Bible study for us here as we have not just looked at the Bible itself but the world into which it came. Over the past few months, we have had a lay led Bible Study over the Old Testament book of Daniel as well as a month-long race through the Ancient Empires mentioned in the Old Testament. We look forward to starting some new projects soon, so stay tuned!